Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Nader? Yes, Nader.

The 74 year old consumer advocate has thrown his cardigan into the ring once again, and I couldn't be happier. It's not so much that I believe he is faultless, or that he did not have an impact on the results of elections past, or even that he is the best candidate for 2008. His participation, however, is a reminder that we are not such a simple species that we can be defined by the perspectives of a few wealthy individuals from a mere two political parties that have become more and more concerned about manufacturing the best personalities, rather than exalting the ones that already exist. Instead, the existing ones are excluded from debates by media bedfellows and spoken of as "not viable," until that repeated lie is made reality. We are all a little bit democrat, a little bit republican, a little bit libertarian, a little bit green, etc. If you do not consider yourself such, then I pity your existence. It is thinking in such absolute terms that will be (has spelled?) the death of democracy. Being scared into not voting for somebody that best represents you by the same "people" that have brought you the latest round of "politics as reality-TV" and care more about ratings and shareholder profits than the best interests of the majority of the country does not make sense. You don't also buy the things they tell you to buy during the commercial breaks, do you?

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